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A Ministry of Spiritual Companioning

Our own lived experiences can often get lost in a blur of deadlines, schedules, and to-do's. We forget that Jesus is present with us in the midst of it all. Sometimes we need a companion who is holding open space for us to look and listen for the ways that God is interacting with you. Is He daring you to play? Or perhaps He wants you to rest while He holds the private grief that you carry? Maybe there's a whisper of an invitation toward something? Whatever it is, I'd love to help make the time and space to tend to that in a non-anxious and non-judgmental way.

Botany purple and white orchids illustration

My sessions typically begin with a contemplative prayer practice. It is typically a practice that I myself am focusing on for that month and will do with everyone I meet with for that month. After that we move into a time of prayerfully paying attention to what's going on in your life. As we go, I may pause to do some listening prayer exercises with you, or to offer some suggestions for prayers that might help in your own time.


God is the one who is at work in your life, and I simply want to help hold open that space to look for it! To marvel, delight, and get curious with you. That being said, ongoing consent is really important to me in my practice, so if at any point during the session you're not comfortable with the direction it's going and you need to stop, we will. The work we do together is significant work, and I want to tend to it with care and gentleness.

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